Hello everyone,
This is Omkar from eMS Stock Market Institute.
Till now you have learnt that –
- What is stock market
- Why it is important to invest in stock market etc.
In today’s meet, we are going to discuss about Demat Account and Trading Account. So, let’s have a look on it.
What is Demat Account?
You guys have saving account in various banks, where you keep all your hard-earned money in the form of Saving. Hence, bank is the place to park all your saving. Now, you might be thinking that, “If bank is the place to keep my money, then can I also keep all my shares in it?” Answer is big NO. That’s where the term DEMAT Account comes into the picture. DEMAT Account works similarly like your saving account. In DEMAT Account you can keep all your purchased shares in electronic form. The only different thing here is, you can’t keep your money in DEMAT Account and shares in Saving Account.

When you purchase any share from Share Market, it gets reflected in your DEMAT Account after T+2 days. Here, every share is in electronic form. And that is the reason for not to worry about your investment. Because no one can steal or damage your shares from your DEMAT Account.
What is Trading Account?
Everyone is now aware about DEMAT Account. It is used to store our shares in electronic form. So, lets move towards Trading Account.
We cannot purchase shares through DEMAT Account. Because it’s work is to store our shares. Trading Account overcomes this barrier. We can actually purchase and sell shares through Trading Account. It facilitates our transactions and keeps it transparent.
Now you might be excited about opening both of these accounts. And there may be a question that how can I open a DEMAT and Trading Account. For that, we are here eMS Share Market Classes to help you. Just click on the above link and get your DEMAT + Trading Account FREE OF COST from our side. https://upstox.com/open-account/?f=lll5 Or you can contact us on 7796881234.
For more information visit our website http://sharemarketclasses.in/
This is sufficient for today. From next article, we will see how to use various Order Types in share market for maximizing our profit.
Thank you.
eMS Stock Market Institute.